Budget Town Hall – Participation Details

Hello Neighbors!
As a follow up to the email that went out to OWANA members last week, below is information about joining in and participating in Councilmember Tovo’s Budget Town Hall on Monday, July 19. Please consider participating if you have opinions on how the City should prioritize funding for this upcoming fiscal year.
When: 5:30-6:30 pm, Monday July 19
What: CM Tovo and Interim Budget Officer Kerri Lang will discuss the proposed FY22 budget, followed by a moderated Q&A session.
After you submit your registration, you will receive an email containing the video link and call-in number. Attendees can submit questions via the chat function in real time. Attendees who will be calling in and not using the video platform should email their questions for the panelists at budgetqa@austintexas.gov.
For more information on the budget process, budget documents, and to provide feedback, visit: AustinTexas.gov/Budget.
Kathie Tovo and her staff continue to provide updates through Twitter (@kathietovo) and Facebook: www.facebook/ktovo. (You do not need a Facebook account to access the City Council page.)
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