General Membership Meeting Tuesday June 4th at 7pm

Hello Neighbors,

Summer is here and that means its time for our second quarter general membership meeting at Matthews Elementary School on Tuesday June 4th at 7pm. OWANA is very excited to welcome Council Member Zo Qadri as our guest speaker. Council Member Qadri will be speaking briefly and then taking your questions which means YOU are on the agenda too!

 After we hear from Council Member Qadri, we will learn about proposed developments in our neighborhood from our Zoning Committee and then conclude the evening with announcements of upcoming events that OWANA has planned for the summer. Please join us and be a part of the discussion.


  • Welcome and General Announcements
  • Presentations by Mathews Friends for Excellence (MFE)
  • Guest Speaker Council Member Qadri
  • Zoning Committee Presentation
  • Events Committee Presentation
  • Open Discussion
  • Adjourn


March 5th, 2024: General Membership Meeting

This meeting will be held at Matthews Elementary School in the Cafeteria at 7pm.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order 7pm
  2. Introduction by Steering Committee Chair – Christopher Hurst
  3. Approval of February Meeting Minutes
  4. Guest Speaker Kathie Tovo
  5. 12th & West Lynn Street Redevelopment Presentation – Miguel Rivera of Miro Rivera Architects
  6. Presentation of DB90 – How this new Zoning Ordinance will affect OWANA
  7. Adjourn 8:00pm (estimated)


SAVE THE DATE: Upcoming OWANA events

Hi Neighbors,
Please SAVE THE DATE for the following upcoming events in our neighborhood:

MARCH 2, 2024- “IT’S MY PARK DAY” (9am -12pm) followed by LIVE MUSIC IN WEST AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD PARK (near dog park at 1pm -5 pm; details TBA)

MARCH 5, 2024-OWANA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING (7pm at Mathew’s Elementary School Cafeteria)


The next general membership meeting will be held March 5, 2024

The agenda for our next General Membership meeting is in the works. Please check back soon for agenda items we will be discussing.

General Membership Meeting – Tuesday, March 7, 2023

A friendly reminder to mark your calendars  and invite your neighbors to the OWANA General Membership meeting on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 7 pm in the Mathews Elementary Cafeteria (please come at 6:30pm if you’d like to chat with your neighbors).  Find out what is happening this year so far in your neighborhood and invite other neighbors and businesses to join OWANA and get involved! 

September 6 General Membership Meeting

Hello Neighbors!

We hope you had a great summer! Please join us on Tuesday, September 6 for our next General Membership meeting. The meeting will start promptly at 7pm at the Mathews Elementary School cafeteria (906 W. Lynn). Feel free arrive early to chat so we can start on time.

We will also provide an option for people to attend remotely via Zoom. We will post details for how to do that soon – stay tuned!

At this meeting, we’ll hear from candidates for  District 9’s City Council seat. Please submit any questions you have for them to by Sunday, September 4. More information is in our most recent OWL newsletter.

Hope to see you there!

June 7 General Membership Meeting

Hello Neighbors!

Please join us on Tuesday, June 7 for our next General Membership meeting. The meeting will start promptly at 7pm at the Mathews Elementary School cafeteria (906 W. Lynn). Feel free arrive early to chat so we can start on time.

We’ll be discussing new and ongoing residential and commercial developments in the neighborhood, and possible changes to the City of Austin Land Development code, specifically Vertical Mixed Use and compatibility standards that would affect our neighborhood. More information is in our most recent OWL Newsletter.

Learn more about meeting details in our draft agenda.

Hope to see you there!



March General Membership Meeting

Our next General Membership meeting is coming up! Join us on Tuesday, March 1, at 7pm in the Mathews Elementary Cafeteria.
A full agenda is posted in the most recent OWL newsletter. But in general, here’s what we’ll be talking about:
1) Update on renamings in the neighborhood (Confederate St & Lamar Beach).
2) Neighborhood Happenings! Stay updated on zoning and development projects, City plans that affect our neighborhood, etc.
Hope to see you there!

June General Membership Meeting

We hope you can join us for our next General Membership on Tuesday, June  1 at 7pm. The Zoom link and password are below.

Agenda Items include the following, and a full agenda is here.

–West Austin Pool support
–Potential renaming of Confederate Street
–Discussion of next in-person (!) events
–Future meeting topics: leaf blowers, light pollution/safety, etc.
–Committee reports (zoning, parks, etc.)

Join via Zoom Meeting Link:

    Meeting ID: 842 4549 3797

    Passcode: owanameet!

Or…. Dial in:  (346) 248-7799

Meeting ID: 842 4549 3797

Passcode: owanameet!

Local Election Forum

Hello Neighbors!

The Old West Austin Neighborhood Association invites you to attend our Virtual Election Forum, Tuesday, October 13, at 7pm. October 13 is the first day of early voting.

The forum will feature an overview presentation from Capital Metro as well as speakers representing both sides of the important Project Connect (Proposition A) measure, followed by audience questions about the proposition.

We’ve also invited candidates for the AISD School Board who will each briefly share their vision for Austin schools.

Join the meeting via Zoom here. 
The meeting ID is 474 967 8778 and the password is 2020vote.